If I have these images associated correctly, this is Jessie D. and Eileen Bass [Head]
Jessie D. Bass, b. Aug. 5 1912 d. Jan. 1 1991, was the son of James Wilson and Emmie Bass [Hutto] and Grandson of Bennett B. ‘Shug’ Bass. Jessie, was only about 7 years old when his father passed.
Eileen Bass [Head], b. Jan. 23 1916 d. Oct 30 1982, was the daughter of Byron and Mamie Head.
They were married on Mar. 27 1937.
I don’t have good records on how many children they had. Only one set of Census records are available after their marriage. I know Charlotte and Libby were their daughters.
Jessie D Bass Eileen Bass [Head]