Bass – Teel triple wedding. “Matrimony by Wholesale”.I’ve always understood and believed this to be a true story, and here it is in black and white.
From the Charleston Mercury on December 19, 1859. Front Page, at the bottom.
It was found in the Southwestern Alabama Baptist with the following statement:
“About eight miles southeast from Andalusia, on Thursday, October 16,were married at the residence of B.B. Bass, by G.A. Snowden, Judge of Probate, James Teel to Nancy Bass, William Teel to Mary Bass and Wilson Bass to Jane Teel. James, William and Jane are all sons and daughter of John and Anna Teel. Wilson, Nancy and Mary Bass are all daughters and son of B.B. and Elizabeth Bass, all of Covington County, Ala. The above connubial attachments were all formed one ceremony delivered—a nuptial phenomenon perhaps unequaled in this state or the South.”

The same article is also found in The Daily Dispatch of Richmond, VA 12-15-1859, and The Daily Journal of Evansville, IN 12-25-1859. It’s likely that it was included in many such publications as the event was so unusual and as interesting then as now.